Glory is that which is achieved. Done to completion.
What have you done to completion?
Our purpose is to help others grow.
How are you helping others grow?
People can know and perform their tasks.
Are you teaching the task?
People really do want to be great and excel in life.
Do you allow others to be great and excel in their lives?
Leadership is not always informing.
Are you allowing others their constructive and creative input?
Is what is heard what is said?
Do you respond to what is said or to what you think is said?
Leadership is mostly listening and then responding to what is heard.
Once you have heard, how do you respond to it?
Week Two!
The more you accomplish, the more resistance you must overcome.
How are you doing in overcoming resistance?
Desire is the motivating power behind all who will achieve their goals.
How strong is your desire to reach your goals?
It's not who is right or wrong but what is right or wrong.
Which do you pick? Who or what?
Answers that sound good aren't necessarily sound.
Do you give good, sound answers?
Each time you see something needing to be done, it takes energy from you.
Are you completing what needs to be done?
Solving problems together = commitment to the task.
How are you solving problems together?
Our task is to accept you as you are and help you become the best you can be.
How's your acceptance and helping others to become their best?
Week Three!
Integrity is the character, the structure of a person's nature.
How's your inner structure that holds up who you are?
Integrity is the powerful conviction which compels a person to act on their beliefs.
What compels you to be who you are?
Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. Vince Lombardi.
How perfectly do you practice what you do?
Productivity is a person + a commodity, which = a life style.
How does your productivity equal a lifestyle for you?
Great people learn that every event and experience of their lives affects every other event and experience they encounter. Walter Russel.
What are you learning about the events and experiences you have?
Empowerment is giving another the ability (privilege, right, and obligation) and authority to produce results.
Are you empowering others to produce results in their life?
The past cannot be changed, but it can be forgiven! Ours, then, is to forgive, leave the past, look into the future and achieve the potential within.
How's your forgiving?
Week Four!
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die and you to live. Which is better - only God knows! - Socrates
For you, is life better? If not, why not?
If I am not! Then you are not, but because I am, then you are! And because you and I are, then I AM the Living God, is.
Are you living life because I AM the Living God is?
An excuse is a skin of a reason filled with a lie. - unknown
What are the excuses you give and live for doing or not doing?
Faith and integrity are the same in function. Faith is doing what I believe, and integrity is being the same on the outside as I am on the inside. Both are active in being who I am.
How's your faith and integrity revealing who you are?
Thinking is not believing.
Do you know the difference between thinking and believing?
Thinking can and does develop belief.
Have you thought about what and why you believe?
Sometimes, our struggles are because we are not living what we believe.
If you are struggling, how do your beliefs and living match up?