Tribal green is an emerging thought compelling a word or action!
What compels you to speak or do?
Truth is that which does not change or move!
Do you change things to fit your idea of what truth is?
Doubt is thinking twice about a truth!
How do you think twice about what really is?
We see the world not as it is, but as we are!
Who are you in light of the real world?
A magpie is the alarm of the woods for both us and our enemy!
Do you hear the alarm of danger around you?
When a magpie stops squawking, it means here's the intruder, or they've now gone!
Are you observant of the message given? And know which is which??
There's nothing we cannot do. But there are things we're not to do!!
Would you happen to know the difference? Chief Waking Eagle
Week Two!
Our task is to promote tribe togetherness that thrives!
How's your tribe doing?
Tribe promotes structure for learning life, death and eternity!
How are you providing structure for living, life, death and eternity?
The tribe defines who I am!
Or are you defining yourself and missing the more incredible life?
It's not who wins or looses, but rather have each run their life's race!
How are you running your life's race? By yourself, or caring that all are together at the end?
Never pick up a live muskrat by the tail! If you do, you cannot let it go fast enough for it not to tear your arm apart!
What are the things in life that, if you take hold of them, you cannot let go quick enough for them not to harm or destroy you?
Without imagination, there is no terror! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
How's your imagination terrorizing you?
Likewise, without imagination, there are no possibilities!!
How's your imagination revealing your possibilities?
Week Two!
To achieve our heart's desire, we need to know where we are going!
Do you know where you are going?
I am because of who you are; you are because of who I am!
Do you know your connecting relationships?
I, the patient, had surgery on my two figures, so then the surgeon is the surgeon and I the patient!
What are you to the people around you?
To write with a broken pencil is pointless. But sharpened, it's of value!
What are the things you need to do to be of value?
The purpose of the tribe is to care!
How does your care reveal your tribe?
Care is found in the instructions we give for a healthy body, development of the mind, the relationships we have, and the life as a spirit!
Do you live a life that radiates instructions for a healthy body, a sharp mind, good relationships, and a vibrant spirit?
You cannot intelligently obey that which you do not comprehend. Walter Russel
Are you deliberately learning what you don't understand to improve your life in the tribe?
Week Four!
Tribe provides solitude and a place to discover!
How are you providing solitude and discovery for others?
Tribe minimizes distractions to life!
How do you minimize the distractions in life?
Character is a distinctive mark, an essential quality, with a pattern of behaviour, and personality, a moral constitution and inner strength, with self-discipline and a strong fortitude in a person!
What does your character look like? Are others evaluating your character based on their character, which may be flawed?
Blame is me winning over and controlling you. It's you! Not Me!
Do you blame to escape the truth about who you are?
Guilt is the realization and acceptance it's me. No one else!
Can you accept what you did by taking responsibility for it?
Grace is the freedom to be and do!
Are you free to do and be who you are?
Faith is doing what you believe!
The question is, what do you believe? Because what you believe is revealed by what you do.